August 8th, I went to LA to watch Adrienne take the silver medal at the World No-Gi BJJ tournamant. It was a really nice mini vacation, as we stayed at a hotel real close to Hermosa beach. After Adrienne was done competing on Saturday, we went for dinner on the pier, and spent most of sunday relaxing and planning the upcoming move. This is also the weekend my buddy from work Brian played Handyman at our housing, fixing the items from the inspection. Much appreciated!!!!
August 15th is the day Adrienne and I closed on our house, and are no longer homeowners.
August 21st I met my sister in Dallas Texas to see my grandfathers grave, and officially say good bye. It was a really nice weekend spent with family. We did everything we wanted to do, and had a lot of fun together. It was a nice way to say goodbye and share memories together of Grandpa.
August 23 Adrienne got to Portland. I was in Texas Adrienne went to the new apartment today and got the keys.
August 24 Adrienne and I are finally in Portland together for good.
August 26 our stuff arrives. WOW!!! I don't know how we accumulated so much stuff over four years. It finally dawns on me that we have a lot of stuff to get rid of.
August 26-September 14 - Lots of trips to Ikea, and lots of hard work moving boxes around and it is amazing to me just how much garbage you generate in a cross country move. I bet we have filled our buildings recycle bin with paper and carboard.
On a really cool note, our friends Rachel and Glen were able to come to Portland tonight and see our new apartment. We went to dinner at the Bridgeport Brew House (within walking distance to us). It was really nice to be reminded that we met some great friends while we were in Champaign. Friends that will be around for a long time.
So here are a few pictures of our great downtown aparment. See my Flickr page for more.
Our new address is:
900 NW Lovejoy Apt. 708
Portland, OR 972